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  • Writer's pictureAlex Robinson

On Letting Your Kids Go

I found this article over on which is an excellent blog and resource.

Here is a summary of 8 ways we can grow in "Letting our Kids Go."

  1. Deliberately begin loosening their oversight well before their children leave.

  2. Treat them like adults. Both with privileges and expectations

  3. Carefully distin

guish between matters of preference and matters of absolute right and wrong.

  1. Help them find a good church.

  2. Clarify expectations about relationships.

  3. Write them letters.

  4. Find the balance between letting them go and remaining involved in their lives. Don’t stalk them or obsess about them, but also don’t utterly abandon them.

  5. Commend them to the grace of God, trusting in your own heart that God loves them even more than you do and that his plan for them is even better than your own.

Read the full article here:

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